Secure Debit Cards
Our EMV chip debit cards give you access to your checking account 24/7.
- Shop anywhere VISA cards are accepted
- Use your card to get cash back when you make purchases at many retailers
- Add your card to your Apple or Google wallet to pay with your phone
- Use at an ATM to withdraw cash directly*
- Debit Card Activation & PIN Changes: 1-800-992-3808

Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get a debit card?
SVCU can create a debit card for you at our branch at 500 Main Street in Saco for your convenience. If a branch isn't convenient for you, we can mail it to the address on your account. So whether you just opened a checking account, or the card was lost, stolen or damaged, you can rest assured you will have debit access to your cash in no time!
If I use my debit card at a store and it asks for debit or credit, which should I select?
When a merchant asks you debit or credit, they aren't necessarily asking what type of card you have, but how you want the transaction to be processed. By selected debit, you may be prompted to input your PIN, and the funds will be immediately debited from your account. By selecting credit, you won't be asked for your PIN, and it will process as a credit transaction. Because you aren't inputting your PIN into the merchant terminal, a credit transaction is more secure.
What's the difference between debit and credit?
*Out-of-network ATMs may incur fees.