Spotlights and fog

Meet the SVCU Employees: Kim P!

Get to know the faces at Saco Valley Credit Union!


Kim Emp Spotlight 300x300Name: Kim P.

Employee Since: 2012

Role: Branch Manager

Financial Tip: Balance your accounts and keep good credit!


If you’ve visited our Waterboro branch, you’ve likely had the pleasure of meeting Kim! Kim helps lead our Waterboro team with both transactions as well as new accounts and lending needs.

When not working, Kim enjoys everything Maine from hiking and camping to boating and exploring Bar Harbor, all with her 3-year-old rescue dog in tow. Like a true Mainer, Kim takes her coffee iced, year-round. However, her dream bucket list item would be an Alaskan cruise.

Fun fact about Kim: her smoke detector is her cooking timer – as she often gets distracted when she starts dancing in her kitchen while cooking!

Next time you visit our Waterboro branch, make sure to say hello to Kim!

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